FAMSI Resources

570 records searched.

Results 106 - 106 of 106 for "maize or corn"
Actual Location:  Barakat Gallery, Beverly Hills, California, United States
Provenance:  unknown
Color:  Covered in red pigment.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  http://www.barakatgallery.com/store
Comments:  Seated figure wearing a Cocijo mask. The pectoral plate is a curious version of the "milpa" glyph, given that the three dots in the center are placed vertically. Most glyphs of this type have the dots placed horizontally.
Glyphs:  The glyph for "cornfield" constitutes the pectoral plate. In the headdress there is a large glyph C.

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